Welcome! Nice to meet you...

Hi there!

Hi there! I'm Raychel, your plant whisperer, a Gemini rising, and a photographer friend who believes in the power of nature. In this blog, I'll be answering your questions about plants and sharing my learnings with you. My goal is to encourage you to minimize waste, repurpose, and be mindful of our pollinators when gardening. I believe that food and plants are gifts from nature and should be accessible to everyone in a world where we practice responsible gardening and coexistence.

During the spring season, I start as many seeds as I can and give away all but the two or three that I need for myself to friends, family, neighbors, strangers! It's my way of practicing chaotic good and sharing the joy of gardening with others.

Leave a comment below if you have any questions you’d like me to answer in my next blog post! Topics can be plant or photo based :)
